Re: TECH: Telephones & DSL: Can we lose the phone?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2001 - 07:26:03 MST

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Max More wrote:

> I'm probably getting this a bit
> wrong, but I do recall my Covad installation guy saying something like the
> restriction you mention exists. Perhaps what he said was that they would
> not allow the DSL company to install a DSL line unless the customer
> had a phone line and did not cancel it.

This makes some sense if you have your DSL line from the Telco
and your ISP is someone else. But I'm using the Telco for
voice, DSL and ISP. Now if I cancel my voice and they cancel
my DSL+ISP, then they are shooting themselves in the foot.
(Seattle also has AT&T attempting to shove cable modems down your
throat and I've got a Satellite dish on the roof). At least
in this environment is hard for them to play monopolistic
hardball. They either want my business or they don't.


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