Re: SPACE: Why so much EVA on ISS?

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Tue Mar 20 2001 - 22:09:07 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:
> I'm not sure, but the rates for SeaLaunch are allegedly down near the
> launch costs in China, which are supposedly about $2k/lb (space shuttle
> is $10k/lb). Note that SeaLaunch just launched the *second* satellite
> based radio service....

<shrugs> Still far too expensive, IMO. How does under $100/lb
sound? Or, better yet, get to around airline prices at circa $1/lb?

> Adrian Tymes wrote:
> >
> > Spike Jones wrote:
> > > Sure but we already have a man-rated launcher, the shuttle. If
> > > we had a good cheap satellite lifter, the two systems would
> > > complement each other nicely. With Roton and VentureStar
> > > dead, lets hope Kistler can make it fly. spike
> >
> > We already have satellite launching rockets, too. They're
> > ultra-expensive just like the shuttle (maybe different numbers, but
> > stil $too_much). That is the problem...

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