ROBOT: Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Mar 19 2001 - 17:04:23 MST

Note that the workshop emphasizes biologically inspired techniques
(biomemetic robotics), which some people regard as the most promising
approach to building autonomous robots.
--J. R.

Fourth European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots

Lund, Sweden, 19-21 September 2001

The fourth European workshop on advanced mobile robots (EUROBOT '01),
to be held from September 19-21, 2001 in Lund, Sweden, aims to
establish an internationally open, European forum for the discussion
of recent topics related to advanced mobile robots. The workshop
intends to be a platform for researchers to present and share new
research and development results, techniques and problems.

Following previous workshops of this series, EUROBOT '01 will put a
focus on a particular aspect of mobile robots. The 2001 workshop will
place an emphasis on biologically inspired techniques for mobile
robots that reliably and autonomously perform their tasks in
real-world environments.

Further topics of interest to this single-track workshop include:
self-governed mobile robots, mobile robot interaction, long-term
experimentation with mobile robots, robot control architectures,
learning and adaptation, mobile robot navigation, obstacle avoidance,
localization, map building and path planning, mobile robot performance
measures, reliability and robustness, cognitive robotics, sensor
fusion, robot vision, behavior based robotics, and task planning for
mobile robots.

Stay hungry,

--J. R.

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