Re: SOC: The Challenge of "The Second World"

From: Alejandro Dubrovsky (
Date: Sat Mar 17 2001 - 10:50:19 MST

Carlos Gonzalia wrote:
> I think as long as our educational system keeps working in such a ruinous way
> as of now (only 1 in 5 young people finish high-school these days), the current
> social consensus and generalized ignorance will keep the stagnation going on.
> Skilled individuals need to assume a personal compromise with salvaging
> education, as no governmental or private sector attempts to change things
> should be expected. As I said, I plan to compromise myself in such a way. I'm
> worried however I seem to be pretty much the exception, judging by how most of
> the people in academics I keep in touch with in Argentina, keep telling me they
> are moving abroad or can't wait to move abroad at the first chance they might
> have to do so. Is the whole thing hopeless and are the likes of me naive fools?

yes. quicker and better help would be to make nanotech happen from abroad, and
see what effect that has on third world poverty (big, i expect, at least on
absolute, if not relative, terms).

(on your assessment of argentina of your last couple of posts, i agree on lots of
points and disagree on a few (mainly, i don't think the economic conditions are
worse now than in 1990. i think they are quite a chunk better. also, freedom of
speech is at its peak (i wish australia would be at that level), conscription
exists no more, and there are indications that people (or young people in any
case) are starting to be politically apathetic, something i find encouraging). i
still don't expect any internal reform or financial revolution to change things a
lot in the next 10-20 years so developing nanotech or AI someplace where money is
not an issue seems to be the most effective way of helping)

Alejandro Dubrovsky

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