Clay Shirky [was: Re: A Very Peculiar Kind of Social Congress]

From: Max More (
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 14:05:32 MST

At 04:37 AM 3/14/01, you wrote:
>I ran across a question-and-answer exchange with a
>certain Clay Shirky at Slashdot yesterday
>( ).
>I had not been aware of this gentleman before, though it
>seems he has been mentioned on this list (e.g., by
>Max More in ).
>He has a Web site too, with links to many of the articles
>he has written for various on-line magazines, at
> (and there's a CV of Shirky at
> ).

Yes, Shirky writes a lot of interesting pieces. I always read him first
when I get my copy of Business 2.0.

In fact he's on my list of possible speakers for the economics/business
section of Extro-5. One obstacle is that he lives far away, so expenses are
a problem.

I second Jim's recommendation to read his Web site, which gathers a lot of
his writing. Some misses, but a large number of hits.




Max More, Ph.D. or
President, Extropy Institute.
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.:

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