RE: META: Info Request

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 21:09:26 MST

At 9:42am -0800 3/10/01, Jef Allbright wrote:
>Shaun -
>Your recent messages have been set to "Urgent" or "High Priority" even
>though they seem to be routine matters of Extropy business. Would you
>please consider setting this back to normal? Some of us use this flag to
>filter and forward message marked urgent, and your messages keep appearing
>as false alarms of an urgent nature.

Actually, this probably is a matter of opinion. I personally
appreciate these urgent markings. I sometimes don't have time to
keep up with the list every day. When Shaun marks something urgent,
it is ExI business that has a close deadline. If I don't respond to
these messages pretty quickly, I would lose my chance to do so when I
get around to reading the list a few days later. Although these may
have seemed to be false alarms to you, since you probably didn't need
to respond to those messages, I think it is a valuable service for
those who do need to respond to those messages.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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