U.S. Sued Over Stem Cell Research

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 11:14:29 MST

Another group to add to our list of those to track...


>Date: 9 Mar 2001 18:10:37 -0000
>From: StemCells@yahoogroups.com
>Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 18:09:03 EST
> From: ExceptionalMama@aol.com
>Subject: U.S. Sued Over Stem Cell Research
>U.S. Sued Over Stem Cell Research
>.c The Associated Press
>WASHINGTON (AP) - A California adoption agency sued the government Thursday
>to block federal funding of controversial but promising medical research
>using embryonic cells.
>Nightlight Christian Adoptions arranges for infertile couples to ``adopt''
>embryos left over from other couples' fertility treatments. The lawsuit
>opposes National Institutes of Health plans to fund research using certain
>embryonic cells - arguing such research would cut the number of adoptable
>embryos and thus financially harm Nightlight and prospective parents.
>At issue are stem cells, the building blocks for all human tissue. Scientists
>say research with them could lead to revolutionary therapies for diseases
>from Alzheimer's to diabetes. They can be derived from aborted fetuses,
>fertility clinics' discarded embryos or adults. All types are under intense
>study, but embryonic stem cells generate the most scientific excitement
>because they appear the most flexible.
>Privately funded scientists have culled stem cells from embryos donated by
>parents - a process that does destroy the embryo - and multiplied those cells
>in a laboratory. The NIH plans to fund embryonic stem cell research using
>only lab-grown cell lines - NIH scientists can't touch additional embryos.
>Many anti-abortion groups oppose the plans, and President Bush has signaled
>he may block the plans.
>The lawsuit, also joined by an Indiana professor who contends competition
>with embryonic researchers will hurt funding of adult stem cell experiments,
>charges NIH's policy violates a federal ban on taxpayer-funded embryo
>The lawsuit names Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, who is
>reviewing the NIH policy. An agency spokesman declined comment.
>AP-NY-03-08-01 1635EST
>Copyright 2001 The Associated Press.


Max More, Ph.D.
max@maxmore.com or more@extropy.org
President, Extropy Institute. www.extropy.org
Senior Content Architect, ManyWorlds Inc.: www.manyworlds.com

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