META: Reminder --Membership Discount Ends Soon

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 11:56:01 MST

Hi all,

This is just a quick reminder that ExI's temporary discount on Extropy
Institute Memberships will end in two weeks. The 25% discount is applicable
to members of this list only, and can be achieved by using the words
"Extropians List ______________ Membership" where the blank is filled in
with either Benefactor, Foreign or regular. ExI members receive a
substantial discount on Extro-5 registration, as well as a monthly
newsletter and other benefits which are currently in the works. For more
information, contact me at The membership form is
located at:

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
        ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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