Re: GUNS: Misrepresentation of previous messages

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 14:22:51 MST

At 12:41pm -0500 2/24/01, Michael Lorrey wrote:
>You stop it Harvey, stop lying like joe does, and stop claiming that I
>introduced the subject, since I didn't introduce the subject of duelling

I apologize if my defense of Joe sounded like I was accusing Mike.
That was not my intent, but I agree that my words sounded like an
accusation against Mike. I wish I had been more clear. I was merely
trying to prove that Joe did not start the thread by showing Mike's
previous post. I did not mean to therefore pin the blame on Mike. I
would have and should have done much further research into the
history of the thread before blaming Mike. I do not know that Mike
was the first poster of the duel thread, and that was not the real
point of my post.

In my mind, there should be no blame at all. I therefore stupidly
missed the obvious connotation of what I said. It was not my intent
to blame Mike for anything. I do not believe he did anything wrong,
and he is only involved in this thread because of my ill-chosen
words. I wish I had been clearer in defending all participants in
the thread, and not just the first victim of the blame-game.

No offense has been committed here. The g-word is not a banned
topic. It can and has been discussed rationally on this list.
Anyone is free to mention it in passing or discuss extropian issues
that might include guns. If it develops into a flame war, it is the
fault of the participants who are fighting. We cannot blame an
entire thread one one person or one side of an argument. It takes
two sides to have a war. The whole search for blame is unnecessary
and unfair to all people accused. The blame-game itself becomes a
witch-hunt where no original offense occurred.

Again, I apologize. Nobody is guilty of anything here except of
being victims of an imperfect communications medium.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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