Re: GUNS: Misrepresentation of previous messages

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 10:21:48 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: Harvey Newstrom <>
> >You said you wanted to call attention to this post, so you got it.
> >In reviewing the actual posting from Joe Dees, I find that you
> >have misrepresented the history. Mike Lorrey actually introduced
> >the topic of guns. Joe Dees was responding to Mike's earlier
> >message.
> Really? Lets look at the exact post:

> >>Now, I wouldn't have minded much if they had duelled, tho I
> >>'spect that Gore woulda demanded three people as seconds, bragged
> >>that he invented duelling and thus gets to decide the rules AFTER
> >>having walked ten paces, denied the referee had any controlling
> >>and legal authority, Tipper would have demanded that videos of
> >>the duel carry warning labels, Gore would have denied ever having
> >>smoked a barrel ('cept maybe once), and the press would have
> >>declared Gore the winner before a shot was fired.
> >And George W. would have demanded the guns his father bought, and
> >then not shown up for the duel, and insisted that he had (kinda
> >like the national guard). And we all know who's snort snot would
> >be found on the barrels.
> Text search your heart out, as everyone can clearly see Mike made
> no mention of guns, although there is connotative reference to one.

And I was not the one who brought up the subject of duelling either, I
was responding to an earlier poster on that, so once again, not only is
Joe Wrong, but so is Harvey.

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