Re: GUNS: Misrepresentation of previous messages

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 13:57:57 MST

That's right... Mike didn't mention guns... he only
alluded to them and mentioned a specific part of a

You win on the technicality, but lose on common sense
and honesty.

Or is anybody keeping score?

--- Brian wrote:
>Joe wrote:
> >Mike wrote:
> >>The Supreme Court satisfied the 'flipping the
> coin' part, by
> >>deciding that Gore cheated by trying to change the
> coin to a two
> >>headed one in mid-toss, so Bush won by default.

Flame bait.

> >>Now, I wouldn't have minded much if they had
> duelled, tho I
> >>'spect that Gore woulda demanded three people as
> seconds,

Flame bait.

> >>that he invented duelling and thus gets to decide
> the rules AFTER
> >>having walked ten paces,

Flame bait.

> denied the referee had
> any controlling
> >>and legal authority,

Flame bait.

>Tipper would have demanded
> that videos of
> >>the duel carry warning labels,

Flame bait.

>Gore would have
> denied ever having
> >>smoked a barrel ('cept maybe once),

Flame bait.

>and the press
> would have
> >>declared Gore the winner before a shot was fired.

Flame bait.

Score... 7 bits of anti Gore flame bait.

> >And George W. would have demanded the guns his
> father bought,

Flame bait.

> and
> >then not shown up for the duel,

Flame bait.

>and insisted that
> he had (kinda
> >like the national guard).

Flame bait.

>And we all know who's
> snort snot would
> >be found on the barrels.

Flame bait.

Score... 4 bits of anti Bush flame bait.
> Joe's response has zero extropian value, and his
> response was
> clearly flame bait designed to provoke a reaction.

I think Mike wins the "zero extropian value flame bait
award" just on numbers alone and remember he gets
extra credit for initiating the non-extropian

Or you could look at it as two old guard political
hacks trying to exersize their wit at the expense of
their opposition. Attemps at humor, as it were...


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