Re: True Abundance

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 08:13:01 MST

From: "Emlyn" <>

>I've got a reference to a study somewhere (80's I think), which
>showed that people were far more socially mobile under Ruski-style
>socialism than under US capitalism. The study showed that it was
>viable for people to move from peasant to high ranking party
>official in their own lifetime, for instance, whereas the norm by
>far under capitalism is to move very little from the social
>position in which you are born.

Heck, everybody knows you were better off under Ruski-style
socialism than U.S. capitalism, that's why we can't figure out what
happened. Why not trotsky out that study for U.S. to have a look

>Another relatively random point; did anyone notice the recent
>article on NYT, which talked about the fact that over the last
>decade (?), the major trend in employees has been in moving back
>to large organizations, and out of risky smaller ventures and self
>employment, contrary to popular opinion?

That's odd, I work for a large organization, (an RBOC) and it's
been shrinking steadily over the last decade as more work is
outsourced and the number of legislated competitors increase.

>Standard disclaimer... I'm not advocating 20th century socialism
>by any means; I think that a lot of my more honed and hard-won
>competitive skills would go to waste in such an environment.

I agree completely. Hey! got any numbers for software programmers
in India?


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