Re: Question about PETA...

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 15:05:59 MST

Terry Donaghe wrote:
> People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a commercial:
> In which singing cows ask people to no longer kill and consume them. I
> suppose they'd wish us to do the same for pigs, chickens and all other
> domesticated animals. Isn't PETA condoning whole-sale genocide (specide?)
> of theses species? If we quit eating them,sure as hell no one will bother
> spending money on feed-grain and sure enough, they'll all eventually die of
> starvation.
> Doesn't it sound like there's some darker, more sinister purpose to this
> group? Perhaps they should be called People for the Extermination of Feed
> Animals (PEFA).
> I dunno... Just a thought... While you're at adcritic, check out their bad
> cats commercial... No comment on that one...

You're not the only person to point this out. A Burlington, VT school
principal got in hot water recently with parents and the local dairy
industry when she caved into the demand of ONE PETA member demanding
equal space to put posters next to the 'Got Milk?' posters that detailed
all the alleged health problems associated with milk consumption (while
curiously not mentioning all of the health problems associated with lack
of dairy consumption). Rather than put up the PETA posters, the school
board originally decided to take all the posters down, then the Governor
got into the act, who told PETA to stuff it.

PETA is for the genocide of domesticated animals of all kinds
(individual members may not take it that far, but that is the party

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