Dimension X ! Longish article

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 07:34:44 MST

Source: University Of Washington (<http://www.washington.edu/>)
Date: Posted 2/13/2001
University Of Washington Physicists Find That Extra Dimensions Must Be SmallerThan 0.2 Millimeter
University of Washington scientists using gravity measurements to hunt for evidence of dimensions in addition to those already known have found that
those dimensions would have to occupy a space smaller than 0.2 millimeter. In making that finding, the team headed by UW physics professors Eric Adelberger
and Blayne Heckel gained new insights into gravity. One of the biggest mysteries in physics is why gravity is so weak compared with all other natural forces.
Asmall magnet suspended above a table, for instance, can easily overcome the
downward gravitational pull of the entire Earth and pick up a nail.
One idea, string theory, involves "extra" dimensions. It requires that there be 10 space dimensions, and it usually assumes that seven of those dimensions
arecurled up in regions so tiny they cannot be detected by current technology. A new development in that theory suggests that gravity's apparent weakness
could be caused by a unique property allowing gravity to leak off into "extra"
dimensions, while everything else is confined to the normal dimensions of length, width and height. Extra dimensions would be a millimeter in size or
smaller and, until now, no experiment could have detected them. The Adelberger-Heckel team looked for anomalies at small distances that might
signal the presence of extra dimensions.
"Gravity is the only way to see these extra dimensions but the very weakness of gravity has meant that there was no way to test the theory," said Adelberger.
"No one had even been able to detect the gravitational attraction between two millimeter-sized objects, much less see if the force could be stronger than
The UW team recently measured the strength of gravity at a distance of just 0.2 millimeter and found no deviation from the gravitational pull predicted by
theinverse-square law devised by Isaac Newton. "No one had ever detected that gravity even existed at distances less than a millimeter," said Heckel.
"We find that if the extra dimensions exist, they have to be smaller than two-tenths of a millimeter," Adelberger said. "This doesn't say the extra
dimensions idea is crazy. It's just not as easy as the simplest picture."
The research team already is fabricating equipment to test to 0.1 millimeter or less, and has begun planning an experiment to test at even smaller distances.
The findings, to be published in the Feb. 19 edition of Physical Review Letters, are based on results using a ring suspended just above a rotating disk. The
ring contains 10 small holes and hangs by a tungsten fiber just 20 microns (less than one-thousandth of an inch) thick. The rotating disk, with 10 similar holes,
exerts gravitational pull on the pendulum, twisting it back and forth 10 timesfor every revolution of the plate. The amount of twist is measured by shining a
laser beam off a mirror mounted on the ring.
The device, housed in the UW's Nuclear Physics Laboratory, has its main parts coated with gold, and a gold-coated copper foil less than one-thousandth of
aninch is stretched between the ring and the disk. Those precautions are designed to prevent electrical forces from interfering with the gravitational tug
being measured. The Adelberger-Heckel team will continue trying to measure at smaller
distances to explore whether some gravitational force might be spilling over from other very tiny dimensions.
"We don't know if these ideas are right, but they are revolutionary," Adelberger said. "There would be profound consequences if the ideas are correct."

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of
Washington for journalists and other members of the public. If you wish to
from any part of this story, please credit University Of Washington as the
original source. You may also wish to include the following link in any

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