EXTRO-5 --Details

From: E. Shaun Russell (e_shaun@extropy.org)
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 14:06:21 MST

Hi all,

As was mentioned in the membership newsletter yesterday, Extro-5 now has a
set date and location: June 15th - 17th 2001 at the San Jose Hilton and
Towers in San Jose, California. The official website for Extro-5 is at
http://www.extropy.org/ex5/intro.htm and will be updated regularly with
lists of confirmed speakers and other key information. Below is the
official release.


>From conference Chair, Max More:

ExI's fifth conference will be a bit different from the previous events. I
intend this to be a solution-oriented conference. Rather than having solo
speakers as the main set-up, all sessions will bring together two or more
top-class thinkers to bring multiple perspectives to an issue. Extensive
participation by all attendees will be encouraged to add to the range of
inputs. In each session we aim to come to useful, actionable conclusions.
The Retreat, which we planned earlier, is still slated to take place later
in the year, and will build on the ideas and action plans developed at

Following are the four main themes and associated possible particular
issues. We won't cover all of these, since we want to allow plenty of time
both for in-depth discussion and networking. The final list of issues will
emerge as we secure complementary groupings of speakers. Please see the
conference Web page in a few days for the initial list of confirmed speakers.

Machine Intelligence-Threat or Opportunity?
-- Ensuring Friendly Super-Intelligence.
-- Achieving Super-Intelligence.

Thriving in the Information Economy
-- Achieving and Sustaining Economic Hypergrowth.
-- Business Architectures in the Information Economy.
-- Strategic Technology Investing. (Probably leave this for a separate
-- Legal Processes and Liberty in the Information Age.

Superlongevity and Augmentation: Overcoming Resistance
-- Overcoming Regulatory and Governmental Obstacles to Research and
-- Countering Bioconservatives and Bioreactionaries.
-- Keeping Personality Modification for the Individual.
-- Battling Death-Friendly Culture.

Mastering the Information Explosion
-- Filtering the Info-Flood.
-- Optimal Openness.
-- Online Identity, Anonymity, and Security.

Within a few days, we will put more detailed information, including
speakers as we add them, on the Web here:
http://www.extropy.org/ex5/intro.htm .

We will periodically announce new information regarding speakers in
forthcoming interim updates; however, we are now accepting registration for
the conference. The price breakdown is as follows:


                        Before April 1st After April 1st
Non-members: $350 $375

ExI Members: $295 $320

ExI Benefactors & Sponsors: $220 $245

Students: $120 discount on the above prices with evidence of current
full-time student status.

These rates include the Saturday evening banquet.

To register, you can use our order form at http://www.extropy.org/join.htm
, or you can send an e-mail with all of the pertinent payment information
to exi-info@extropy.org. For students, in addition to the above, please
send a facsimile of your student identification to (604) 882-8720, or
otherwise send me an e-mail at e_shaun@extropy.org to clarify any details.


We have initially booked 30 rooms at the Hilton, and have the ability to
book more as are necessary. The conference rate for a standard single or
double room is $119 per night for the Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately,
the conference rate does not apply to the Sunday evening, so any plans to
spend the extra night will have to be individually negotiated with the hotel.

For any other questions regarding Extro-5, please mail us at


E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
e_shaun@extropy.org http://www.extropy.org
     ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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