Re: The International Forum on Globalization - More suitablefor Halloween th...

From: Neal Blaikie (
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 13:12:21 MST

Really, Michael, have we been reduced to red-baiting? Did we somehow slip back
in time to the 1950s? Communism, like every other idealogy (i.e., idealized
belief system), has been and will continue to be subject to corruption. Just
like capitalism, or libertarianism, or liberalism. Perhaps if we could work
toward improvement without name-calling and labeling we might actually get
somewhere. And what exactly IS this "human nature" I keep hearing so much about?
I'm a bit confused on this. Does this mean that nothing we do matters because
"human nature" is going to mess it up anyway? That we ultimately have no free
will? How is this different than theists laying everything on the doorstep of

Neal Blaikie

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Based on this, they are most properly described as communists in sheeps
> clothing. They are a new communism that has merged with the
> environmental movement, which is rather incongruous to anyone who has
> ever seen the environmental impact of communism wherever it has taken
> root. They still do NOT get it about human nature, and they refuse to
> admit that because their goals conflict with human nature so severely
> that they must inflict tyranny to achieve them.

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