Re: We are all Africans (was Re: PDAs are searchable by cops)

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 11:17:36 MST

Michael Wiik wrote:

> Chuck Kuecker <> wrote:
> > It's well known that the FBI has issued "guidelines" for police that state
> > that pick-up trucks are an indicator of extremist group membership. Any
> > religious, gun, or Constitutional stickers are to be treated as an
> > indication that the driver is possibly armed and dangerous. God help you if
> > you are also wearing camo at the time...
> I'm wondering what would be the ideal set of bumper stickers to avoid
> being stopped and searched. FOP supporter? DARE sticker? My kid is an
> honor student?
> I lol'd at 'Warning: I brake for hallucinations', but doubt this would
> belong in the good sticker group.
> --
> ======================================================================
> Michael Wiik
> Principal
> Messagenet Communications Research
> Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants
> ======================================================================

Good Sam and triple A.


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