Re: from 6 billion to 500 million: how?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 20:30:40 MST

> Spike Jones wrote:> one or more of these results distasteful or
> unacceptable.

> Adrian Tymes wrote:
> Any company that can demonstrate the infrastructure to reach to Mars,
> when even large governments can not, would likely be able to set its
> ...
> the governments of Earth couldn't be bothered to go there, the weapons
> we've built there are for our use only, to shoot down any
> competitors...or maybe I'm being too pessimistic here.

I scanned your post thrice and found nothing the least bit pessimistic
anywhere. The analysis is right on, in fact if anything you understated
your case Adrian.

As far as I can see, the first person who gets to Mars to stay
owns Mars, all of it. Or at least as far as her gun can fire. Like
it or hate it, Mars will eventually be converted entirely into
private property, immune from hassle from the blue planet. spike

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