Fwd: [METANEWS] Do Robots have Souls, Anne Foerst

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 18:46:06 MST

Forwarded from another list. The description makes me think of the Roman
Catholic(?) robot babe (played by Wynonna Ryder) in Alien4 Ressurection.

attached mail follows:

The School of Liberal Arts of John F Kennedy University is pleased to
announce that Dr. Anne Foerst will give a PUBLIC LECTURE on Friday February
9, 2001, in room 201 at JFKU Orinda Village Campus, 12 Altarinda Rd., Orinda
California: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Her talk is on "DO ROBOTS HAVE SOULS? Theological Implications of Artificial

Dr. Anne Foerst, currently at St. Bonaventure University, Olean New York, is
both a theological and computer scientist. She has worked at the MIT
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Harvard Divinity School in
association with research projects on
advanced humanoid robots. Dr. Foerst focuses her research on questions of
embodiment and social interaction as central elements in human cognition. The
process of developing artificial intelligence has raised questions about who
we are and what makes us human. Her work has been featured on PBS.

This lecture is sponsored by JFKU and made possible by a grant from the John
Templeton Foundation and American Scientific Association as part of the
2000-2001 Templeton/ASA Lecture Series.

For further information please call the School of Liberal Arts, JFKU: 925/
258-2232, or go to www.jfku.edu

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