RE: We are all Africans (was Re: PDAs are searchable by cops)

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 10:39:32 MST

I drove a pickup in Louisiana and Mississippi from 1991 to 1997. I got
pulled over once in all that time for an illegal U-Turn. A white guy
driving a pickup in LA and MS is about as normal as can be. Of course, I
didn't have a gun rack - so points off there, and seldom were there beer
cans in the truck bed...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 9:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: We are all Africans (was Re: PDAs are searchable by cops)
> In a message dated 2/6/01 6:53:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> quotes: << >Most all of my black friends (or African
> Americans if you prefer)
> live with being pulled over quite often. I think it even
> gets to the point
> where they feel that it's just something you have to deal
> with and they
> expect it. One such friend was astonished when I told him
> I'd only ever been
> pulled over once. He get's pulled over quite a lot, as does
> his parents,
> friends, etc. And these are all middle to upper class people.
> They just
> happen to have the wrong skin color. >>
> I don't wish to divert you from your theme but just to add
> something to the
> pot. If you are white and don't believe there is such a
> thing as the cops
> picking on "target" groups start driving a pickup truck. I
> have driven a
> pick up at times in my life but an auto much more often yet a
> good 80% of my
> stops have been while in the pick up. Furthermore the nature
> of the stops
> are such that I have never received a payable ticket during
> one of those
> pickup stops. Either no ticket was issued or it was nonsense
> and easily
> beaten.
> Ron h.

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