Re: PDAs are searchable by cops, I expect. Re: Transparency, was re: On January 28th, Criminals No Longer Another Face ...

From: John Marlow (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 22:46:11 MST

Gates could have the guy shipped to Mars.



On 5 Feb 2001, at 15:19, Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
> John Marlow wrote:
> > On 5 Feb 2001, at 12:16, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> >
> > > I think as long as we don't commit any crimes, we don't have so
> > much to concern us.
> >
> > **Would that it were so.
> >
> > The issue then is "what is crime?".
> >
> > **Well, guess who decides? Not us. If I walk up to you and say,
> > "Gimme a billion dollars or I'll slap your nasty face," that's a
> > felony.
> >
> > John Marlow
> I thought it was funny when the guy threw a cream pie at Bill Gates, but
> it was a minor crime.  Gates could sue the guy and win for hundreds of
> thousand of dollars, whereas that guy couldn't sue back by himself.
> Gates could probably have the guy dealt with in a more severe manner.
> Ross
John Marlow

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