Re: George Orwell marries Ayn Rand

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 21:06:43 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> I'm ok with nudity. If you wanna gape at my fat behind, you are welcome
> to, but I won't respect your aesthetic judgement. ;-)

Mike Im sure its no worse than my bony ass. {8^D

> Microcams would only require jamming,

...Unless it has some kind of onboard solid state recording system
perhaps with a motion detector so that it doesnt use a transmitter.
You *know* the military is gonna develop something like this,
if they havent already, and it will eventually find its way into the
military surplus stores.

A scanner could look around for the existence of jammers. If
none are detected, the thing could transmit its heart out, with no
fear of discovery. Even if the actual device is found, there is no
clear way to figure out who is the perp responsible. This is gonna
be difficult to defeat. spike

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