Re: George Orwell marries Ayn Rand

Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 23:23:49 MST

Hal writes, in relevant part:

>Drugs are an interesting case. On the one hand, drug smuggling and sales
>would be extremely difficult due to physical surveillance. . . . .
>Drug dealing would no longer be
>big business, but drug use might continue at levels similar to the
>present day.

While I found many of Hal's comments about surveillance of public spaces
plausible, I don't think it follows that drug smuggling and sales will
suffer inordinately. The packing and unpacking of containers hiding drugs
can take place in private spaces--places like homes and offices--which
Hal's analysis treats as not subject to the sort of surveillance he foresees
for public spaces. For similar reasons, many sorts of drug transactions
can continue, so long as they move indoors.

T.0. Morrow

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