Re: On January 28th, Criminals No Longer Another Face in the TampaStadium Crowd

From: John Marlow (
Date: Sat Feb 03 2001 - 09:42:13 MST

Uhmm, no don't tell me...

When they're affordable and we don't need a wall jack for decent
connection speeds outside the Bay Area (and, okay, a FEW other major


On 3 Feb 2001, at 2:06, Samantha Atkins wrote:

 How long do you think it will be before wearable
> computers hit big-time and become a natural part of how people live
> their waking lives?

> John Marlow wrote:
> >
> > Well, you know, I hate to wax realistic on you--but at the moment,
> > this is not bogus; this is reality--and cyborgish humans are bogus.
> > Reality has its drawbacks.
> Really? Haven't been paying attention to the various implants on the
> markets have you? How long do you think it will be before wearable
> computers hit big-time and become a natural part of how people live
> their waking lives? Turning them off when you have integrated these
> modalities into your being and extended your senses, memory and so on
> with them will be very much like being involuntarily dumbed down.
> You are waxing status quo, not realistic. Something I didn't expect
> here.
> - s

John Marlow

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