Re: What Extropy Institute Has to Offer --Feedback Requested

From: scerir (
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 16:09:22 MST

E. Shaun Russell wrote:
> As Extropy Institute is working on more ways of increasing our first-hand
> involvement with both ExI members and the extropian community as a whole,
> we would like to hear some feedback on what you would like to see out of
> Extropy Institute.

A book. Very generous. About 500 pages.
Lots of chapters. Lots of memes. A bible.
- scerir

"Pécuchet fit plusieurs épures, en se servant de sa boîte
de mathématiques. Bouvard lui donnait des conseils.
Ils n'arrivaient à rien de satisfaisant. Heureusement qu'ils
trouvèrent dans leur bibliothèque l'ouvrage de Boitard,
intitulé L'Architecte des Jardins."
Flaubert, "Bouvard et Pécuchet"

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