Re: No Parole for Federales.

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 10:16:34 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Samantha Atkins wrote:
> >
> > Michael Lorrey wrote:
> > > However, Malcom X, nor Eli, have ever had military experience, to the
> > > best of my knowledge. When recycling a damaged/warped ego, you must
> > > first break it down before you can build it back up. Rehabilitation
> > > means making a person fit to live again. You don't make a cracked bottle
> > > whole again by just gluing it up, it is likely to crack again, even
> > > easier. You've gotta crush it into silica dust, melt it down, and craft
> > > a new bottle out of the old material. Rehabilitating people requires
> > > reprogramming.
> >
> > Remind me not to be incarcerated by you or your appointees. If I am in
> > jail I am in for running afoul of the local politicos or some asinine
> > law. Trying to break down the personality and mental structure I have
> > painstakenly built up would NOT be appreciated. Trying to do so would
> > result, to the extent it succeeded at all, in producing a truly violent
> > person. Guess who the violence would be directed to first once I got
> > out? Also, to the best of my knowledge from friends who were in Viet
> > Nam including some special forces and red beret characters who got
> > really warpend for dealing with normal civilization, breaking them down
> > entirely was not the therapy employed.
> Then 'splain to me why 'boot camp' type prisons have lower recidivism
> rates.

The offenders sent to them are young, first-time offenders. They have beeen
shunted to "boot camp" instead of more traditional "stir" thus that they are not
let into the system.


Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:
Confucious says, "My name is Confucious."

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