Re: true abundance?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 02:59:22 MST

denis bider wrote:
> writes:
> > It's one thing to talk about the future of the West, about
> > the new technologies and what opportunities they will bring
> > to those of us wealthy and fortunate enough to be participating
> > on this mailing list. But let us not forget that "most people"
> > are unlike us. It's going to be a much longer road for them
> > to share in the bountiful future we hope to see.
> True, with the following comments:
> - Whatever needs to be done, once someone has done it, it is a lot easier
> for others to follow. Example paves the way. It will be easier to show the
> eastern guys that our lifestyle is good once it is *actually* good. At this
> time, many of those eastern guys might argue that they have nothing to learn
> from the western civilization: "Just look at yourself, what do you do all
> day? Sure you're clean, sure you've got gadgets, but how are you any more
> happy than we are?"

Compared to what they have it IS already good and has been for
sometime. People in these countries largely know this. We do not.

> - If you manage to motivate those eastern guys by example, by showing them
> that we have achieved something that they really desire, then, once people
> are motivated, the road need not be long at all. Laws of slow change apply
> to an idle, non-motivated society. I think that if you managed to show all
> of India something that would motivate all of them to strive towards a goal,
> you would be able to have them get there very quickly. [Or so I think.] Just
> compare this to conductors: you can't nearly put as much power through a
> semiconductor as you can through a superconductor. Yet the difference is
> primarily in the internal order within the material.

Believe me, the suffering in India and the hope of better material
conditions is HUGELY motivating. What is the problem is a lot of
inertia and graft that is difficult to get beyond and a lot of
illiteracy and superstitious belief systems. This is not so easily
overcome even with a lot of motivation.

> The reason I am saying this is because some people tend to have a
> 'perfectionist' approach: let's make sure everything is nice and correct
> right now, and then we'll figure out what to do next. "Let's not go to Mars
> until we have Earth figured out." I think that's the wrong approach; by the
> time we have Earth figured out, it might be too late.

It is not that for me. It is more practical of how we will finance the
escapade, how it will become self-supporting and whether it will
actually do what we would like it to do as far as being a "backup" for

- samantha

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