Re: the gods must be crazy

From: John Marlow (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 23:33:48 MST

You might be interested in a little film called Manhunter (based on
Thomas Harris' Red Dragon). Lecter has a bit like this: 'God's a
Great Guy. Just the other day He dropped a church roof on two hundred
of His followers while they were groveling in a hymn to His glory...'

Also of interest--note the timing of the last(?) batch of massive
earthquakes along the border--not far from where the Indians and the
Pakistanis had detonated nukes a short time before. Coincidence? I
think not...


On 30 Jan 2001, at 16:50, Damien Broderick wrote:

> I can't help noticing the timing of the latest Indian mass tragedy:
> -------------
> Toll could reach 100,000
> Tuesday 30 January 2001, 03:24 PM
> Up to 100,000 people may have died in the
> earthquake last week in India, the country's
> Defence Minister told the BBC.
> George Fernandes also said that the massive earthquake in
> the western state on Gujarat had injured up to 200,000
> people.
> ===================
> Why, just the other day I watched images of hundreds of thousands of pious
> Indians casting themselves into the Ganges for the Maha Kumbha Mela
> Pilgrimage bathing festival during the holiest days of the year, the time
> when the divine powers are especially concerned to bless their human flock
> (or perhaps cattle is a more culturally sensitive metaphor under the
> circumstances).
> Damien Broderick

John Marlow

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