POL/PHIL Crime and Punishment

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 14:09:26 MST

From: "Corwyn J. Alambar" <nettiger@best.com>

>From Brian Williams:
> What's wrong with people who commit crimes serving their full
> sentence?

>Actually, the question here is this: What is the purpose of
>prison, anyway? Most everyone who's been through a civis or
>government class encouners this question at least at some level.
>While I think we can all agree that prison is a deterrent to some
>level, the question comes to be what is the main purpose of prison
>in any modern society, not just that of the US: Is prison
>supposed to be punitive, or is it supposed to be rehabilitative?
>And can it possibly be both at the same time?

I think it can be both, maybe the idea of the harder you work at
your own rehabilitation, the shorter the sentence is worth a try.

>I personally would argue that prison should be more a
>rehabilitative forum than a forum for punishment. Rehabilitation,
>while initially costlier, can often be much less expensive in the
>long run because of decreased recidivism and increased
>productivity to society. A form of "enforced welfare" perhaps.

We should allow for the chance to rehabilitate to those who can be
rehabilitated. The rest probably need to remain where they are.

>Granted - the question of if prison should really exist at all or
>not is never seriously addressed. What is the nature of crime and
>punishment in a situation where the locus of power is geared more
>towards the individual than any social structure? On what
>foundation does the concept of "criminal justice" lay? Does any
>governmental instrument have either the right or the
>responsibility to attempt to rehabilitate or punish individuals,
>and how would this idea scale into a more
>libertarian/econo-anarchic model?

To general for me, how's this, I believe there are people who can
be rehabilitated and those who cannot. Those who cannot (usually
really will not) should remain behind bars.


Extropy Institute, www.extropy.org
Adler Planetarium www.adlerplanetarium.org
Life Extension Foundation, www.lef.org
National Rifle Association, www.nra.org, 1.800.672.3888
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