[Fwd: [isml] Time for real intelligence?]

From: Eugene.Leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Date: Fri Jan 26 2001 - 05:06:40 MST

-------- Original Message --------
From: "DS" <ds2000@mediaone.net>
Subject: [isml] Time for real intelligence?
To: "isml" <isml@egroups.com>

>From BBC News,
BBC News Online: Sci/Tech


Thursday, 25 January, 2001, 19:17 GMT
Time for real intelligence?
By BBC News Online's Ivan Noble
It is time to start building machines which can learn and be raised in the
same way as humans, the authors of an article in the journal Science say.
Building an intelligent machine is no small feat and so previous efforts
have centred on designing a machine to carry out specific tasks.
But computer scientist Professor Juyang Weng of Michigan State University
says it is time to work on systems which "live" autonomously, have bodies
suited to their working environment and learn in a general sense.
"According to this paradigm, robots should be designed to go through a long
period of autonomous mental development, from 'infancy' to 'adulthood'."
"The essence of mental development is to enable robots to autonomously
'live' in the world and to become smart on their own, with some supervision
by humans," he writes.
Underlying principles
Making computers copy the way humans learn should not be as difficult as it
sounds if scientists can uncover the underlying principles of mental
Experiments using animals have shown that similar processes are at work for
different senses, such as sight and hearing.
A living brain does not take in every single aspect of an image it is
seeing, but makes general observations about shape, colour and motion.
Developmental robots will learn to perform dull and repetitive tasks that
humans do not like to do
Professor Juyang Weng
Experimenting with robots will also improve the chances of answering
questions such as how the human brain develops a sense of the world
around it, Professor Weng says.
And developmental robots will learn to do jobs which humans shun, such as
working underwater and in space, or cleaning up nuclear waste, he says.
Professor Weng and his colleagues have already built a prototype
developmental robot, called SAIL.
SAIL is allowed to explore the real world for itself, but a supervising
human shows it toys and reinforces behaviour patterns by pressing a "good"
button and a "bad" button.
More money needs to be spent on understanding the way humans and animals
learn, he says:
"Biologically motivated mental development methods for robots and
computational modelling of animal mental development should be especially
Dan S
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