Re: laboratory "black holes"

From: John Marlow (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 23:58:41 MST

Oh they'll get around to that; just you wait and see...


But, yeah; that's why I deleted the last line when posting my own

The Authoritative Calvin & Hobbes prefers GAAAK!


On 26 Jan 2001, at 14:18, Damien Broderick wrote:

> >> >But now physicists believe they may be able to bridge
> >> >the gap by studying tiny 'black holes' created in the laboratory.
> >>
> >> Given the enormous probability of other life in the universe, I've
> >> often wondered if the reason that we've never encountered them is
> >> because there are certain technologies and experiments along the path
> >> to knowledge that inevitably end up destroying your planet.
> Ack.
> It might help for people to *read* the original brief news report
> (which discusses an idea raised quite some months ago) before running off
> at the keyboard in an excited fashion. The lab pseudo-singularities
> proposed are *not* repeat NOT gravitational singularities. They are
> possibly heuristically useful toys using acoustics and optics. No planets
> will be destroyed in the making of these experiments.
> Damien Broderick

John Marlow

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