Re: CODE: Programming project required

From: James Rogers (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 15:23:06 MST

At 09:33 PM 1/25/2001 +0000, Russell Whitaker wrote:
>>From: James Rogers <>
>>When an open source database exists that is truly
>>comparable to Oracle, then I will consider that as well.
>Do you have an opinion about the future prospects for

A couple years ago, I thought PostgreSQL was pretty much dead, but it seems
to have popped back to life recently, particularly with substantial funding
being dumped into it.

Like many open source products, it has been a pretty rich environment for a
long time, but not very deep. If they spend a lot of time working on the
database kernel (and it seems that they are), PostgreSQL could have the
depth necessary to make it a viable enterprise choice. It looks promising
at this point. Ask me again in a couple years. :^)

MySQL on the other hand, seems like it will be relegated to toy status for
the foreseeable future. The MySQL kernel is pretty awful IMO (I've spent a
fair amount of time hacking the source tree), and the design is already
being stretched to the breaking point. The only way this will be a viable
competitor in the Big Game is if Monty and crew do a ground up re-design of
the entire kernel (which would pretty much necessarily break the rather
polluted syntax that MySQL uses).

But that is just my opinion.

-James Rogers

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