[Fwd: Useful word features]

From: Eugene.Leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 13:40:18 MST

Some of the more useful features of MS software.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Sebbo <sebbo@sebbo.org>
Subject: Useful word features
To: silent-tristero@world.std.com

Background: At my workplace, there's been some discussion lately of
last week's TBTF, by The Mighty Dawson, wherein it is detailed how
information from previous drafts can be accidentally encoded in Word
documents, and extracted using a hex viewer.

01/23/2001 05:39 PM

        To: chat@curl.com
        Subject: Re: Sending Word documents can expose
confidential info

When I was at [Big Famous Graphics Card Company], we got a DirectX spec
from Microsoft which was in Word
format. One of the other employees there figured out that if you edited the
document with a binary editor (as explained in the article), it had all
kinds of neat info. Apparently the original version of the doc had a list
under each feature of which graphics chip manufacturers were implementing
each item and when - all NDA info. Needless to say this was very helpful
for us to decide what features we should implement in the chip we were

    - [Withheld]

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