POWER/COMMERCE: backup power units

From: Michael Lorrey (mike@datamann.com)
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 08:17:05 MST

to all my buds suffering under the onslaught of power outages in
California caused by the greens and the screwed up politics of the

I have some new and used UPS units available for sale, in excellent

Maker model price normal price
-------------------- --------------------------------
 (these four include a connection to the computer for
 automated shutdown of applications and OS, works on any
 operating system, incl Macs)
APC 2200 XL $750 +shipping $1200
APC 2200 SU $600 +shipping $1200
APC 1100 XL $350 +shipping $950
APC 1100 SU $350 +shipping $850
BEST 800 (equiv to APC1600) $450 +shipping new
   (this includes software, monitor, etc.)

el cheapo:
APC 300 kvA/180 watts $119 +shipping
(no software or autoshutdown)

These all provide great backup, the larger units providing hours and
hours of backup (depending, of course on how much wattage you put on
them). We use a BEST 800 here for one machine and it has brought us
through 45 minute+ outages with ease.

Since we are in Vermont, and these units have heavy batteries, shipping
could be between 30-100 bucks or more depending on how quickly you need
it. You can call me at work at 1-802-295-6600 ext 46 if you are
interested in anything. Oh, I also have 64 meg SDRAM sticks available
for $32 +shipping.

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