Re: GUNS:RE: Self Defense

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 14:53:41 MST

>Harvey Newstrom wrote:
>> To add my two cents to the personal observations:
>> I live in central Florida where we have a right-to-carry law. I see
>> shootings every day on my evening news. We have a fatal shooting
>> about every week. We have pre-teen accidental shootings every
>> summer. For a while we were having a lot of road rage shootings,
>> where people would chase and shoot at people for rude traffic
>> behavior. That seems to have toned down some.
>A pre-teen accidental shooting every summer. My, my. That is a huge
>number isn't it. Quite enough to deny anyone the right to defend
>themselves. A fatal shooting every week (about)? Again a huge number.
>Cops do more than that in most states. Road rage shootings? Road rage
>is nutty with or without guns.

Relax, I am not advocating gun control. I was merely following up on
the thread where everybody was describing how often or how little
they see guns in their own community. You are obviously reading a
lot more into my post than I wrote.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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