Re: new puzzle

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Sun Jan 21 2001 - 16:38:16 MST


Spike Jones wrote:
> A new one for you puzzle fans: All 8 clues refer to
> the same item:
> 1) This item is an invention that did more to immortalize
> the name of the inventor than any other invention I can
> think of, for he named it after himself.
> 2) The inventor is long dead, natural causes.
> 3) Many people have used this item, some do so on
> a regular basis.
> 4) If shown this item, nearly everyone knows its name, whether
> they have ever used one or not. Every single person reading this
> list could correctly name the item within two seconds of seeing
> one. There is no alternate name for this item (that I know of.)
> 5) The inventor is not American.
> 6) The item is well known all over the world, better known in
> some places than others I suppose.
> 7) The name is not a brand name: all brands of this item
> are still called by one name. (So I am not talking about a
> Colt .45 for instance, as this would violate number 4.)
> 8) Altho this item has been around for some time, it
> has changed little since it was invented. Those who use
> this item today could use the first one without much
> adjustment or difficulty.

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