Tax on lying..

Date: Sun Jan 21 2001 - 12:43:37 MST

Some time back on this list there was a article about the desire of the
EcoNazi's to impose a tax on food relative to how "high" it is on the food
chain. I just skimmed it feeling it was..........well....I didn't read it

I did, however, catch the idea of the tax.

At another time Greg Burch's excellent post in reference to misrepresentation
of chinese culture kinda stuck sideways in my head.

Soooooooooooo....I've got an idear for 'nothere oughta go over
BIG......for one thing no politician has ever seen a tax he didn't
no problem getting it passed.......and for another the revenues should be

Tax lying.

Verifieable lying I mean......misrepresentation.

Take movies for example......where they show "spaceships" swoooooooping thru
this graceful curves like swallows near capastrano.......that's a
misrepresentation of the laws of orbital mechanics or something.......a it.

This tax should be calculated according to how many people are affected and
to what degree. The above mentioned example poisons the minds of countless
children for the rest of their it should be taxed BIG...

Clinton lying about whatever it was he lied about.......naw.......people
EXPECT politicians to lie....they don't beleive em affects
lots less tax them at a lower rate.....

ElPaso Tx.

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