The It's-a-Big-Universe Argument

From: John Marlow (
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 23:34:57 MST

A bit ago, someone put forth the This-is-just-one-of-an-infinite-
number-of-universes argument, i.e.--no matter how unlikely life and
consciousness might be, it HAD to happen SOMEwhere. Which, as I said,
I think dodges the issue.

I have found an amusing take on this, which I offer for your
amusement (and my own)...

"Very few things actually get manufactured these days, because in an
infinitely large Universe such as, for instance, the one in which we
live, most things we could possibly imagine and a lot of things one
would rather not, grow somewhere. (A forest was discovered recently
in which most of the trees grew ratchet screwdrivers as fruit. The
life cycle of ratchet screwdriver fruit is quite interesting. Once
picked it needs a dark dusty drawer in which it can lie undisturbed
for years. Then one night it suddenly hatches, discards its outer
skin that crumbles into dust, and emerges as a totally unidentifiable
little metal object with flanges at both ends and a sort of ridge and
a sort of a hole for a screw. This, when found, will get thrown away.
No one knows what it is supposed to gain from this...)"

This where the infinite-universes argument leads.

Big Thanks to Douglas Adams.

John Marlow

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