META: Extro IT Techies list?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 22:22:50 MST

"Emlyn" <> wrote,
>There are a lot of good coders / IT people on this list. The best evidence
>is when someone asks a computer related question; the barrage of responses
>is quite overwhelming.
>I bet it's boring as batshit for those who don't earn a crust this way,

This is the same as the gun debate. I could argue that these
(computers or guns) are extropian tools. But that doesn't make it
general interest to most people. I'm not sure where to draw the
line, but most people aren't interested in the technical basics.
They want future planning or gee-whiz new ideas. Details of current
technology only interests those who utilize said technology.

The same would be true of discussions about trucking, programming,
speaking Esperanto, being vegetarian, making your own clothing,
self-psychology, sports, chess, video-games, etc.

>I've often wanted to ask tech questions on list, but hesitated because
>that's not the list's purpose. I'm going out on a limb and assuming that
>this is possibly not an uncommon experience.
>Should we (or someone) start an Extro IT self help list? So that all us
>geekazoids can gather round, share knowledge, and beat each other over the
>head on fine points of technical dogma? It'd be fun, and probably damned

I have often thought that we should have specialized lists. This may
or may not overlap greatly with the net-node forums ExI already has.
Special Interest Groups are common in technical organizations or

Harvey Newstrom <>

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