Re: GUNS: Re: Self Defense

Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 10:13:21 MST

In a message dated 1/19/2001 4:08:31 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> In normal countries like where I live ;-), nobody has a gun

Normal huh?

Pray tell what constitutes "normal"?

Perhaps aggregate population? which case Red China is normal....and
you're right.....only their rulers are allowed freedom and firearms.

Or perhaps "normal" (again like Red China...and the former Soviet Union) is a
country in which all aspects of the mean the citizenry's
........lives are regulated.....licensed ....taxed....and enforced by the

Mayhap "normal" is a country in which an earthquake the likes of which
california would barely notice kills thousands?

Then again maybe "normal" is a country in which a large number of it's
citizenry is anxious to LEAVE.....making the US decidedly ABnormal...since
the only reason it's population increased was due to immigration.....having
acheived ZPG among it's citizens...

Perhaps "normal" is a country which receives welfare
aide....rather than distributes it?

Perhaps some other definition of "normal"?

I agree that the US is NOT normal...but we appear to
be.....unfortunately....trending in that direction......more's the pity.

Especially if "normal" means we have corrupt elected and appointed public
officials........well........yeah......were pretty normal in that regard....

Hopefully this last election will delay...if not reverse...that trend..

Be that as it may....

You raise a point. I propose that all guns be banned here too...but since
that would be a major step and cause undue hardship to numerous parties I
further propose that it be done in increments.

First disarm all members of the Federal Alphabet soup agencies who now carry
guns.....(DEA, FBI, BATF,CIA etc) and also the Secret Service, US Forestry
Service....Enviromental Proctection Agency.... and any other Federale who
carries a firearm..

Give it a few months.......perhaps a year........or two........what the
hell.....let's give it five determine how well this strategem
is working....

IF it's working well...

Why then...take it to the State Level....disarm all State officials and
employees who currently care firearms....(highway patrol...state
police....govenors mistress....etc)......

As before...give it four or five years see how well it works.....maybe
ten.....(no need rushing into things).......then proceed on to the next step
in the progression....

Disarm all county officials.........(Sheriffs...prison
catchers...code enforcement officers......etc...)....

Then city.....(police....truant officers....meter maids...mayors
wife...)....and like that..

Once that happens....if all works well....then I'll turn in my guns....maybe.

Weatherford Tx.

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