Re: trends in brain imaging

From: Gerhard Haak (
Date: Sat Jan 20 2001 - 04:42:35 MST

I wouldn't count on PET scanners following a Moore's Law trend - they're
fundamentally contrained by the travel distance of the positron before it
interracts with the surrounding tissue. There is, however, continuing
research on limiting this distance via the application of strong magnetic
fields .
Combined multimodal scanning is also a relatively hot research topic. A
number of groups are looking at combining PET and MRI (I was part of a group
in the late 90's investigating its feasibility).

Do a search on microPET and/or multimodal imaging at google and you're bound
to find something.

----- Original Message -----
From: mez <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 9:53 AM
Subject: trends in brain imaging

> I am preparing a report for which I am searching for the following
> data:
> Is there a trend similar to Moore's Law in brain scanning devices?
> That is to say, has there been a smooth progression in spatial and
> temporal resolution? How about cost and size?
> What brain scanning technologies are on the horizon? Are future
> generations of PET and fMRI expected to carry us through the next
> decade(s)? Are fundamentally different scanning technologies inbound?
> thanks in advance,
> Ramez Naam

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