Re: LAW: Legality of deep linking to Web sites

From: John Marlow (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 16:09:31 MST

On the other hand, sites which make it difficult to deep-link to
their content are going to find themselves linked to less often.



On 19 Jan 2001, at 15:22, Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> I do not know the law in this area, but that won't stop me from answering!
> As an IT consultant, I have seen about a dozen clients either sue
> another company for linking to them or get sued for linking to other
> sites. I do not think the law has a clear-cut answer, but I know
> that lawsuits will occur if the web-sites link to other sites that do
> not want to be linked.
> Many web-sites make money from advertising or other services offered
> >from their main page. If you link directly to the content, you are
> extracting the benefit of their enticement without giving them the
> benefit of having a visitor view their main page. They feel that
> this is unfair use of their efforts while robbing them of the benefit
> of a potential customer. They would claim that this would be like
> rebroadcasting a TV show without the commercials, or picking up your
> "free gift" without listening to the sales pitch. Such sites to not
> really intend to provide their content to the public. As they get
> more sophisticated, such sites usually require free registration,
> personalized logins or some other gimmick to force users to go
> through the top level.
> Such sites can take legal or technical actions to block the linking
> if they want. The battle may not be worth the linking, and any
> successful linking may not last for long. I would suggest linking to
> the top level while giving specific directions on how to find the
> article from there. E.g, visit and enter "extropians" in
> the search box.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <>

John Marlow

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