Programming project required

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 18:11:40 MST

Hello, fellow Extropians. I am in my final semester of a CS degree and need
a programming project for my senior project course. My advisor says I need
some sponsoring organization for my senior project. I would prefer to do
some sort of dynamic web site with a database. I am not an expert in any
language but would like to learn/work in ASP/MS Access; it seems easiest;
plus most of the recent grads from my school seem to getting ASP jobs.
There are free websites that run ASP/MS Access and allow 30 Megs of storage.
I have to finish by early May or thereabouts.
All I really need is a set of data that needs to be placed on a website.
Or, alternatively, any programming project for some organization would
Any ideas?

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