Re: Nanotechnology Chat invite

Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 12:27:01 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote, I think quoting Gina:
> >Steve Lenhert will be hosting (and has invited you all) Chat sessions next
> >Monday and Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern. Bring your homework questions,
> >experimental data, relevant links, poems, or anything else relating to
> >interdisciplinary nanotechnology.
> >
> >(I send you my recommendation to visit this chat,
> >as I have attended before and enjoyed myself)
> I am sorry that I was unable to attend these chat sessions due to my
> work schedule. How did they go? I hope you don't interpret a lack
> of attendance as a lack of interest.

A few of us attended on Monday but the guy didn't show because it was
a holiday. I forgot about yesterday.


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