Re: directed evolution

From: John Marlow (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 21:28:06 MST

I suggest a clarification of terms to avoid confusion:

Directed Evolution

Intelligent Design

The latter being more in keeping with the allegation that something
intelligent is driving, or set into motion, the evolutionary chain of
events--and also with Hoyle's speculations on an an intelligence
present in/underlying the universe.

On 18 Jan 2001, at 14:10, Damien Broderick wrote:
> I believe you've changed the definition mid-course....
> That's because the use of the term in the main stem of the thread was (or
> seemed) crypto-theological. What other response than parody and mockery do
> you expect on this list?
> Damien Broderick

John Marlow

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