Re: That (not so) idiot Darwin

From: Emlyn (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 18:59:04 MST

> Emlyn wrote:
> >
> > Being a creationist is pretty dumb, true. However, "directed evolution"
> > least sounds plausible, and merrits some attention. Further, the idea
> > it's not all evolution, that something else important might be going on
> > which we can't see yet, that merrits attention too.
> Directed evolution does not merit attention unless there is good
> evidence for it. The merely plausible or possible doesn't merit
> attention all by itself.
> This something we can't see yet is another way of saying we have no
> evidence for any such or reason to pay attention to it before there is
> any such reason.
> >
> > I think it's a worthwhile thread. We assume natural selection most of
> > time; it's good to try defending it/breaking it down every now and
> >
> But there are quite good lists and resources dedicated to these
> questions already. Why is it good or worthwhile to discuss it in any
> reasonable detail (and it does get detailed really rapidly if it is
> worth the bandwidth) here on this list?
> Just asking.
> - samantha

If only because it gives those of us who couldn't care less about certain
irritating topics, which have flared up again, something to read.


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