Re: Bitten by NIMBY, CA power system goes socialist...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 00:36:37 MST

> "J. R. Molloy" wrote: Net blamed as crisis roils California
> In the heart of Silicon Valley, for example, power demands skyrocketed by
> 12%
> last year, while the rest of the state saw an overall increase of 2% to
> 3%, said John Roukeme, a spokesman for Silicon Valley Power, the municipal
> utility for the city of Santa Clara, Calif.

Ja that might be part of it. But the more important factor that John Roukeme
did not mention is that in Santa Clara the skyrocketing cost of housing in
that city (and county) has encouraged many homeowners to rent out a
room or two. In many cases, if the home owner has been there more than
about 10 years, the sum paid by the hapless tenant covers the entire
mortgage with change left over.

The lefty press cannot bring themselves to admit the real culprit: greenie
policies have led to voters demanding that no new plants are built. The
same voters wish for Sacramento to pass laws that power keep coming
in at artificially low prices, with no additional air pollution, with
supply. In response, our so-called governor gave a state of the state
address in which he proposed making it a *crime* for power generation
facilities to withhold power for economic reasons, and even went so far
as to propose legally seizing power plants. Perhaps we should call this
place Kalifornia.

Nowthen, those of you who live outside Taxifornia, prepare yourselves
for a treat. This will be a real hoot, trust me. Public policy is about
to make this current fiasco so much worse that a mere debacle will
very soon develop into a morass from which extrication is impossible.

Take for instance the electric car business. The state *mandated*
that car dealers make 10% of their fleet "zero emission." (Hybrid
cars do not qualify.) Now where is all that power to come from?
What about all those electric cars? Who pays for those? The
taxpayers? Will they now be half the price of a comparable
gasoline car? 1/3? If so, I want one. Furthermore, since I
must pay anyway, I want the taxpayer to subsidize my power

By the way, if the Taxifornia taxpayer is essentially picking
up the bill for the power, what if I am off-grid? Do I still
hafta pay my taxes?

Stay tuned. spike

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