Re: Irish Transhumanists

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 09:06:37 MST

From: "Sean Kenny" <>

>I recall reading once that Max More had changed his name from
>Connor or Connolly or something like that because he didn't like
>the fact that people thought he was Irish, and I've just read on
>his web site that Tom Morrow doesn't like to be addressed as Tom
>O. Morrow as he thinks that's sounds rish. So do we have a problem
>with the Irish here :(

Well, I'll let Max and Tom speak for themselves.

Me? On my Fathers side I have relatives in Wales, England,
Scotland, and Ireland, although my people came to this country in
1642 (king deeded estates). My Mom was Polish.

My best friends are all Irish, and I spend most of my time among
them. If you're ever in Chicago, I'll treat you to more pints than
you can tip! Not to mention backing you in any alley on the planet.

Guess that's clear enough....


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