Re: META: i hope this list is bigger than this issue: control/guns/extremism

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 09:09:21 MST wrote:
> Justin Corwin wrote:
> > so can we come to some to some sort of consensus as to what to do about
> > this? i dislike unreflective conflict.
> Not only that, I dislike unreflective conflict where the opponents don't
> *fucking learn* from the past, ever, and have to restart each time afresh.
> I personally have nothing against guns, in fact I like guns just fine, but
> I don't want to hear any more pro/anti gun battles, because I've seen several
> too many. Way too many. On this list, and elsewhere. What next, shall we
> discuss Jesus, or mind control?
> So please, guys, take it to ExI-freedom, or ExI-guns, but please do
> not clog up the the channel with irrelevant flamage.

I agree. The only person who steadfastly refuses to take his peruile
flamage elsewhere is Joe.

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