Re: Guns for home defense

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 08:24:08 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 1/12/01 5:24:24 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:<< If you are only interested in home defense
> then you could easily use a pump action shotgun with frangible slugs or
> buckshot, or a heavy caliber pistol with frangible bullets. >>
> Mike,
> I'm not sure if we are on the same page of the song book in reading your
> statement above. If we are planning to defend our home against urban unrest
> then I can easily understand your recommendation.
> If we are planning for the night another member of our family calls on us
> for help from another room within our house then by all means I want a
> pistol. It is just too awkward taking a long gun through a doorway or
> through any congested area.
> On the other hand maybe someone knows a technique I don't know. When I
> searched buildings for a living those of us with pistols would take the lead,
> especially through doorways and other congested areas and have the guy with
> the riot gun bring up the rear.

A pump action shotgun cut down to the NFA legal limit is quite usable
indoors, and according to at least some, double ought buckshot is
ballistically superior to any pistol caliber. That being said, I prefer
frangible bullets for the fact that buckshot isn't very useful in a
hostage situation.
In my experience, urban unrest at least at the gang or spree shooter
level has been the type I've seen the most of in terms of people I've
known victimized by violent crime. Moreover, a nasty looking shotgun or
a big fat revolver does have a greater intimidation factor than a small

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